Microsoft Cloud and Basics of Virtual Machine

Define Virtual machine

7 min readNov 25, 2021

A virtual machine or a VM is a technology that allows us to create a physical computer in a virtual world. In Layman’s words, virtualization is defined as the creation of something virtually such as servers, operating systems, storage, and many more. So, with the help of virtualization, we can share one physical entity resource with multiple users or customers. Virtualization is come into existence because of the expenses of physical hardware such as servers, desktops, etc. The machine on which the virtual machine will install is called a Host Machine and the virtual machine is called a Guest Machine.

The main use of this technology is to provide different services to their cloud users. Suppose, one application is using cloud users and the next version of the application is released so the cloud providers have to provide newer versions to their cloud users it is possible but it is expensive. To overcome this type of problem virtual machines come into existence with the help of the virtual machine all the applications and servers which are required for cloud providers are maintained by other third-party users and the cloud provider has to pay only the annual or monthly usage services fees.

Role of Virtual Machine

The role of virtualization in cloud computing is very important. Virtualization helps to run one system separately for multiple users. The process of creating a virtual server to provide service devices, various infrastructure, and computer resources is called virtualization. It changes the hardware and software requirements depending on the organization’s performance. In this blog, we will discuss the role of virtualization in the computer cloud.

Applications of Virtual Machine

The applications of the virtualization are Server virtualization, Data virtualization, Hardware virtualization, storage virtualization.

Server virtualization: Server virtualization software is installed directly on the server system. It is used to divide a virtual server into so many servers that it can be customized. It also helps to balance the load. It is also said that server virtualization is a way to use multiple resources with the help of this software server administrator to split one virtual server into multiple servers.

Data Virtualization: In virtualization data, abbreviations of different technical data are used. It depends on the system of connection, integration, and use.

Hardware Virtualization: In the case of hardware virtualization, the virtual machine installs the Hardware system and has a hypervisor used to monitor basic process memory and other hardware resources when the Hardware virtualization processes are complete the user can install a different type of operating system and can use it. the application he wants to check.

Storage Virtualization: is the process of integrating different types of portable storage devices and can be accessed on multiple network storage devices. As it can behave as a single storage device it can also be used using different types of storage applications. It is mainly designed to make a backup copy and restore processes.

The function of Microsoft azure

Virtual machine VM application provides a standalone operating system that allows devices to be simultaneously deployed on different sources. The visual aid is like a “bridge” to a real-world, hidden area of ​​planning and hardware.

Azure virtual machine

A virtual machine is a sought-after, available app available on Azure. Visual aids are often used to handle products where the consumer needs more control over the harmful area than is provided by other auxiliary services.

Azure VM gives you the flexibility to do material without having to buy and maintain the virtual hardware running it. However, you still need to maintain a VM by performing tasks, such as setting up, modifying, and installing software that works on it.

Azure Load Balancer

The load gauge is used to distribute incoming traffic to the visible equipment area. Stops moving traffic to a visually impaired machine in the pool. In this way, we can make our application more resistant to any software or hardware failures in that virtual machine.

Load Balancer: The Azure Load scale uses a 5-tuple hash integrated with source IP, source port, location IP, destination port, and protocol. We can adjust the load balancing role within the loading gauge in such a way based on the source port and the source IP address from which the traffic arises.

Port forwarding: The load balancer has portable power if it has multiple web servers, and does not want to associate a public IP address on each web server in that location. If we are going to do any repair work, you need RDP for those Web servers with a public IP address on those web servers.

Application agnostic and transparent: The download rating does not directly associate with TCP or UDP or application layer. We can move traffic based on URL or host multiple sites, and then go to the app gateway.

Automatic reconfiguration: The upload scale can reset itself if it raises or lowers conditions. Therefore, if we add additional visible equipment to the rest area, the automatic loading balance will also adjust.

Health probes: As we discussed earlier, the loading gauge can detect any visible failure devices in the rear swimming pool and stop moving traffic to that visually impaired device. It will recognize the use of health probes we may modify health investigations to determine the health status of the conditions in the backend pool area.

Outbound connection: All output from a private IP address within our virtual network to the public Internet IP addresses can be translated to the pre-loaded IP address.

Azure Storage

Azure Storage Platform is Microsoft’s cloud-based cloud storage solution. Backup services offer the largest data center store, Azure virtual disk drive (VMs) disk, cloud file system service, trusted messaging store, and NoSQL store.

Durable and highly available: Redundancy ensures that your data is safe in the event of an immediate hardware error. You may also choose to rewrite the data or region regions for additional evidence from the site of the damage.

Secure: All data coded to the Azure end account is encrypted by the service. Azure Storage gives you good control over who can access your data.

Sсаlаble: Azure Storage is designed to be large enough to meet the data storage needs and functionality of modern applications.

Managed: Azure handles hardware storage, updates, and issues that are important to you.

Accessible: Data on Azure Storage is available anywhere in the world via HTTP or HTTPS. Microsoft provides Azure Storage customer libraries in a variety of languages, including .NET, Java, Node.js, Python, PHP, Ruby, Go, and more, and REST API mature. Azure Storage supports text in Azure PowerShell or Azure CLI. And the Azure site and Azure Storage Explorer provide simple visual solutions for working with your data.

Azure Automation

Аutоmаtiоn is needed in three brоаd аreаs оf сlоud орerаtiоns:

Deрlоy аnd mаnаge: Deliver reрeаtаble аnd соnsistent infrаstruсture аs соde.

Resроnse: Сreаte event-bаsed аutоmаtiоn tо diаgnоse аnd resоlve issues.

Оrсhestrаte: Оrсhestrаte аnd integrаte yоur аutоmаtiоn with оther Аzure оr third раrty serviсes аnd рrоduсts.

Azure Automation brings cloud-based automation, planning system development, and preparation service that provides consistent management of health care assets. Includes automatic switching, status management, update management, shared capabilities, and various features.

SQL Azure

The Azure SQL Database is a fully managed platform as a data service engine (PaaS) that manages most of the database management functions such as upgrading, updating, backup, and monitoring without user involvement. Azure SQL Database remains running the latest stable version of the SQL Server database and OS attached with 99.99% availability. The PaaS capabilities built on the Azure SQL Database enable you to focus on site-specific website management and optimization functions that are important to your business.

With Azure SQL Database, you can create the most accessible and efficient database of applications and solutions in Azure. The SQL Database can be an ideal choice for a variety of modern cloud applications because it enables you to process data related to unrelated formats, such as graphs, JSON, location, and XML.

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Inсlude рrоjeсt nаme, рrоjeсt lосаtiоn, sоlutiоn nаme аnd сliсk оn the сreаte buttоn.

Nоw seleсt the frаmewоrk аs .NET Соre аnd seleсt its versiоn, then seleсt Emрty рrоjeсt temрlаte аnd сliсk оn сreаte buttоn.

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We this you will learn about the different sections in Microsoft cloud azure services like a virtual machine. Storage, load balancing, automation, SQL, and the roles and functions of Azure virtual machine.




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