Load Balancer in Cloud Computing

4 min readSep 16, 2021


Cloud Computing (CC) or Cloud Technology has become a popular trend in recent years. cloud computing companies such as Amazon, Yahoo, Google, IBM supplies cloud services to customers around the globe. In these services, users should not have to download or install any application on their devices as cloud computing firms provide services instead. As it has a number of pros, we have many challenges also in cloud computing. One of the challenges is Load Balancer or LB which is a primary concern. In this article we will study the load balancer, what is a load balancer, why to use a load balancer, various types of the load balancer, various properties of the load balancer, issues in LB, etc. To avoid traffic and maintain minimal latency, cloud load balancing is defined as a completely distributed software-defined solution that balances user traffic to various backends. For example, your new application has been successfully reached the peak level, now your users are increasing day-by-day, and he is started to get worried about the things like how you would scale, optimize and secure the application while keeping your users or customers using that application simultaneously without any disturbance that’s why we should use the load balancer which helps us in this situation. LB or load balancer has different types depending upon the traffic you are dealing with global or regional.

Cloud load balancer works as you have a user in Washington, and you have deployed your database instance in that region and configure a load balancer virtual IP when your users grow to another region, all you need to do is create new instances in the additional regions there is no change in virtual IP or DNS service settings. As your application grows globally, the same pattern can follow the same now the next situation is if your user from India is routed to the instance in India. If the instance in India is overloaded and is autoscaling to handle the load, that user will seamlessly be directed to the other instance in the meantime and route back to India when instances have scaled sufficiently to handle that load. It also provides cross-regional, failover, fast auto-scaling, and scales to millions of queries per second. As a security practice, if you run Secure Sockets Layer or SSL everywhere with HTTPS and SSL proxy load balancing, you can use one of the largest firms like google, where Google takes care of the provisioning and managing the SSL certificate for you. And cloud load balancing supports multiple SSL certificates as well if you wanted to serve multiple domains using the same load balancing IP address and port.

For deciding which load balancing option is right for you it can depend on the traffic you are dealing with HTTPS, TLS, UDP, global versus regional, and internal versus external, and based on these factors you can choose which load balancing option is right for you. If you want to reduce the latency, improve performance, security, and optimize cost for your backend systems, and it's very easy to deploy just set up the frontend and backend with the virtual IP and you are ready to go for load balancing. The Load balancer technique has various properties.

· Adaptability — Cloud load balancing adapting features must be able to adapt to the environment of the system.

· Throughput — Any of the systems be in place to maintain the number of works performed each unit time.

· Scalable — The system must be able to auto-scale itself whenever the traffic is overloaded and vice-versa.

· Response time — It should be taken the lowest time to give a response to the user.

· Availability — The system should be available at any time for the services.

How to create a Classic load balancer in Amazon Web Services or AWS:

Before we start to create the load balancer, we must create the EC2 instance we must take care of the security groups for these instances to allow HTTP access on port number 80. While creating the EC2 instance install the webserver in any of your choices and enter its DNS name into the URL of the internet-connected web browser.

Step 1: Create a load balancer

· Go to the AWS EC2 console

· Select the region of your load balancer to ensure that you have must select the same region as the instance region.

· On the left navigation panel under the LOAD BALANCING, choose the load balancers.

· Choose to create a new load balancer.

Step 2: Define your load balancer

· We must provide basic information to the load balancer such as name, network, and listener.

· Listener is used to checks for the connection requests.

· For creating a Load balancer inside, choose the same network as the instance network.

· Leave the default listener configuration.

· To improve the performance of the LB we must add more than one public subnet.

· Next click on security groups.

Step 3: Assign security groups

· On the security groups create a new security group.

· Enter the name and description for the security this helps to allows the traffic on the port number which we have added to the load balancer for use.

· Select Configure Security Setting.

Step 4: Register load balancer with the EC2 instance

· On the Add EC2 instances, select the instance we want to register with the load balancer.

· Choose next Add Tags

Step 5: Add Tag to the load balancer

· On the Add Tags, Specify the key-value pair for the tag.

· Choose Review and create.

Step 6: Make and verify load balancer

· On the review page, select create.

· After the pop-up comes on the window that our load balancer is created choose close.

· Select the new load balancer.

· On the description tab, check the status row after at least one of our EC2 instances is in service we can verify the load balancer.

· Just copy the address from the DNS name and paste it into the URL of the internet-connected web browser it will show the default page of the server.







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